Jane Matthews
Survivors of abuse may be able to seek compensation from those responsible, regardless of when the abuse happened.
Non-recent sexual or physical abuse could have been suffered at any time dating back to childhood or taking place a few years ago. It may have been physical, sexual or psychological and in some cases, you may have only learned or understood what happened recently.
However long ago the abuse occurred, it is important to obtain legal advice from specialist abuse solicitors.
We know that compensation won’t change what has happened but it can help rebuild your life by funding treatment costs, further education and providing financial security.
Jordans Solicitors has successfully claimed thousands of pounds in non-recent abuse compensation and represented survivors of non-recent abuse in claims against the following bodies:
A full list of our current cases can be found here.
We understand how difficult it can be to think about your past if it has involved any physical or sexual abuse and how challenging it can be to pursue non-recent abuse compensation.
Our lawyers are specialists trained in this area and have experience with all types of abuse cases. You will be guided and supported through your claim with the upmost sensitivity and confidentiality.
We appreciate that we are not qualified to provide counselling or psychological treatment, and therefore we work closely with both local and national charities that can provide additional support throughout the claims process and beyond.
You can talk to one of our male or female specialist abuse lawyers in absolute confidence on 0800 955 5094.
Get in touch today and receive a call back from a member of our team.
Contact UsWe believe that justice for survivors should be accessible no matter how long ago it happened. That’s why we fought for a landmark change in the law, which allows an abuse claim to be brought before a court regardless of when it took place.
Our Head of Department, Jane Matthews, is an accredited panel member of ACAL, and we work closely with many charities to support those affected by abuse.
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We are proud to have represented the interests of abuse survivors for over two decades.