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Do I need a Pre-nup?

Pre Nup 1

As we approach wedding season, you may be finalising your plans for the big day.  Whilst we accept it’s not the most romantic conversation to have with your future spouse, it is important that you consider the need for a Pre-nuptial Agreement before your wedding day. 

There has been a significant rise in the number of couples who have decided to take this step to avoid any disagreements later.  You may wish to protect assets and business interests, including those that have been gifted or inherited, or you may wish to secure inheritance rights for children from a previous relationship.  These discussions can help you communicate your financial goals, spending habits, and attitudes about money which in the long run can help build a stronger foundation for a long-lasting relationship. 

A Pre-Nuptial Agreement does need to be finalised and signed by the parties and their legal representatives at least one month before your wedding ceremony, so please ensure that you seek advice in plenty of time.


At Jordans, we have extensive experience in advising clients in relation to Pre-Nuptial Agreements.  

If you would like further advice then please note that we are able to offer a free consultation to provide you with initial advice and an estimate of the likely costs of your case. 

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