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Martin Whittle: Huddersfield Man Jailed For Historic Child Sex Offences

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A Huddersfield man has been jailed for an “appalling” sex offence committed against his niece in the 1980s.

Martin Glynn Whittle, aged 72, of Lucy Lane, Huddersfield, was found guilty following a four day trial of one charge of indecent assault on a child aged under 14 years.

On August 12th 2024, he was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court to four and a half years imprisonment and will be subject to Sex Offender Register requirements.

Whittle forced himself upon herself upon his victim, his niece, at a home when she was just 12 after getting her drunk on cider at a local working men’s club. She was prompted to report the assault to the police in May 2022 after reading about another high-profile abuse case.

She said: "There's nothing that's going to take away from what he robbed from me - my whole childhood, obviously my innocence, and my relationship with my mum. It's never going to stop the nightmares. Nothing is going to stop it being the first thought and the last thought for the rest of my life. That's never going to go away.

"However, I'm finally free from having a secret - the biggest secret anyone could ever keep. And I haven't got that secret anymore. I do feel a bit like an open book now. I felt glad that it was over and glad that I'd done it… I was glad he got his comeuppance and also glad that family members now know."

Det Con Yvonne Brear of West Yorkshire Police praised the victim for their bravery in coming forward which meant Whittle had been "made to answer for what he did".

Det Con Brear, of Kirklees Child Safeguarding Unit, said: "Whittle has committed a truly appalling offence, and we welcome the custodial sentence imposed on him.

"I hope the sentencing can give the victim some closure, and the case demonstrates to victims of sexual offences that it is never too late to contact us if you have been victim to such abuse."

It is clear from the investigation that time and age is no barrier in criminal proceedings of this nature.  This case shows that if a survivor of child abuse has the courage and bravery to  come forward, the police will listen, no matter how long ago the incident took place, and do everything in their power to ensure they receive the justice they deserve.

Jordans Solicitors – helping survivors to pursue a child abuse compensation claim.

If you have been a survivor of physical and/or sexual abuse and would like to speak to one of our Specialist Abuse Lawyers in confidence, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We have the knowledge and experience to advise you on the available options for pursuing a Criminal Injuries Compensation Claim and/or civil damages claim.

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