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The PPO has launched a new investigation into Medomsley Detention Centre

Sad Man

The Prison and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) yesterday (28/2/2024) launched an enquiry which will examine what happened at Medomsley between the year when it opened, 1961 to the year of its closing, 1987.

Investigators have confirmed that they want to find out, “what went wrong at Medomsley” and have provided confirmation that everyone will be given the chance to be heard.

Senior investigator Richard Tucker, who was hired to lead the PPO’s Operation Deerness commented:

We are looking for the truth and it is our goal to fully understand what took place.

My plea is for more people to come forward and share their experiences with us.

We will not be reinvestigating the facts of the abuse, nor the individual incidents, but we want to give everyone the opportunity to speak to us, if they wish to, so we can give them the chance to be heard.

I am saddened by the experiences of those who have approached us so far and it is my duty to find the truth.

We respect that not everyone will want to speak to us ,however we are keen to have any level of engagement with those who want to be involved so we can gain a full understanding of what went on.”

Mr Tucker has written an open letter to former detainees and the PPO has published a video on YouTube.

Jane Matthews, Head of the Abuse Team at Jordans said:

We are pleased that this investigation has been commissioned and we would encourage anyone who wants to speak about their experiences to contact us and the PPO. The PPO can be contacted via this email: [email protected]

“We hope the investigation will provide answers to survivors and their families as to how and why the abuse at Medomsley was able to take place for so long.”

Jordans Solicitors have a dedicated team of highly specialist lawyers who can ensure your claim is handled sensitively, enabling you to secure the best outcome from those responsible for your traumatic experiences. We have represented a large number of clients for the abuse they suffered whilst detained at Medomsley Detention Centre in civil claims and redress scheme claims.

If you would like help with pursuing a civil claim or an application to the redress scheme, please make contact with us by e-mail, telephone on our freephone number 033 0300 1103 or by completing a request a call back form.

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