Survivors of horrific Abuse from Sandyridge Children’s home set to sue Kent police
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Survivors of abuse at Sandyridge Children’s home in Kent want to sue the police for their negligence in the investigation into the abusers Dennis and Anne May (now deceased) who ran the home.
The children suffered physical and sexual abuse by the couple and when the abuse was reported to the police in 1996, the couple were arrested. Unfortunately, no charges were brought and the couple later died. Dennis May died in 2019 and Anne died in 2006.
Due to a lack of corroborative evidence the CPS decided that no charges could be brought against Dennis and Anne May. An investigation was launched again between 2017 and 2022 however again, no charges could be brought.
Survivors have come forward to speak on how they were raped and molested by Dennis and Anne May along with some more horrific treatment they endured while at the home.
A spokesman for Kent police has said, ‘Between 2017 and 2022, Kent Police carried out a full and exceptionally thorough investigation into reports of abuse at a children’s home in Greatstone between 1978 and 1996.
The investigation was long and complex, involving meticulous analysis of evidence including multiple victim statements, witness accounts and key documentation relating to the period of time in question by diligent and dedicated police investigators.
However, on July 25, 2022, the CPS gave its final decision that due to fundamental weaknesses in the evidence presented to, and uncovered by Kent Police there was not a reasonable prospect of conviction, and the case did not proceed to charge.’
Dr Raymond Stevenson from the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association has emphasised how the survivors will not give up their fight to gain justice.
Jordans Solicitors – helping survivors of sexual abuse claim compensation.
If you are a survivor of physical and/or sexual abuse and would like to speak to one of our Specialist Abuse Lawyers in confidence, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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