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Public Enquiry into Abuse of Boys in Detention Centres has been Refused by the Justice Secretary

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Legal action was brought against the former Justice Secretary as a result of his refusal to trigger a public enquiry into the abuse suffered by thousands of boys who were detained in youth detention centres between the 1960s – 1980s.

There had been an ongoing campaign for a public enquiry into these events, backed by survivors of abuse and other professional bodies. Jordans Solicitors were one of the six solicitors’ firms who participated in the campaign.

The abuse suffered by individuals in the detention centres included rape, sexual assault as well as physical assaults and cruel treatment. Several prison guards have now been convicted in relation to the abuse of the detainees. However, several of the accused died before proceedings began or were deemed unfit to stand trial.

Legal action was launched by a group to challenge the refusal to bring about a public enquiry. It is said that the refusal has been legally irrational and violates human rights laws. Campaigners state the enquiry is necessary to examine alleged cover-ups and collusion. An enquiry would also highlight the abuse that occurred, bring closure to victims and ensure effective safeguards are in place.

Detention centres where this level of abuse occurred include Medomsley Detention Centre and Eastwood Park Detention Centre.

At Jordans Solicitors we are assisting and supporting survivors of abuse in pursuing claims for compensation against their experiences at both Medomsley and Eastwood Park Detention Centres.

Jordans Solicitors – helping victims of abuse make compensation claims

Our experienced child abuse compensation team have assisted hundreds of individuals that experienced abuse whilst at detention centres.

We have a dedicated team of highly specialist solicitors who can ensure that your claim is handled sensitively.

If you were detained at Eastwood Park Detention Centre or Medomsley Detention Centre and suffered physical or sexual abuse we would urge you to contact our team on our free phone number 033 0300 1103.

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