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Patrick Devaney, former Eastwood Park Prison Guard, failed to attend sentencing hearing

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Devaney was convicted of misconduct in public office in February 2023 and initially was due to be sentenced in April 2023. This was delayed on numerous occasions with his latest sentencing date of 11 August.

However, Devaney did not attend the hearing, in person or via video link. Devaney’s barrister told the court that he was unable to travel from Ireland due to a serious heart condition. He requested that the court adjourn the sentence in light of Devaney’s health.

The Judge however was not satisfied with Devaney’s absence from the hearing or the reasons given by his barristers. He sanctioned a prosecution application for Devaney to be arrested and brought to England from Ireland without bail and adjourned the sentencing to 15 September.

The Judge felt that it would be inappropriate for Devaney to not attend his sentencing, commenting that Devaney should hear his sentence firsthand and understand how his actions have affected the lives of his victims. Many former detainees travelled to Bristol to attend the sentencing and gain closure on a difficult period of their lives.

Our experienced child abuse compensation team have assisted hundreds of individuals that experienced abuse whilst at detention centres.

We have a dedicated team of highly specialist solicitors who can ensure that your claim is handled sensitively.

If you were detained at Eastwood Park Detention Centre and suffered physical or sexual abuse we would urge you to contact our team on our free phone number 033 0300 1103.

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