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International Mental Health Day 2024: Sexual Abuse in the workplace


“It is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace “

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a critical issue with a reported 72% of the UK population having suffered sexual harassment at work.

Though the figures are high, most employees feel afraid to speak up about this due to fear of not being believed or potentially losing their job, leaving most cases of harassment unchecked.

Not speaking about the issue can lead to a significant mental health decline leading to serious problems in later life. Survivors may feel unable to work ever again after suffering the abuse which can lead to financial difficulties. Their daily lives will suffer due to their mental wellbeing.

Sexual harassment can range from various acts, physical or verbal. This can include sexual comments or jokes, propositions and sexual advances, making promises in return for sexual favours, sexual gestures, sexually explicit emails or text messages and unwelcome touching, hugging, massaging or kissing.

After suffering from any of the above it is likely an employee will feel a detrimental effect in their mental health. They may feel more stressed which can further manifest as anxiety or depression. In some more severe cases PTSD may also develop making it more difficult for the survivor to return to work and carry on with their day to day lives due to constantly reliving the abuse through flashbacks and nightmares.

Anyone who sexually harasses someone at work is responsible for their own actions however employers can be held liable for the wrongdoings of their employees. This is called vicarious liability. All employers have a duty of care to look after their employees. If an employee has suffered sexual harassment in the workplace, this is a major breach of the employee contract which can lead to serious consequences and the employer could face a claim of sexual harassment.  

Here at Jordans Solicitors, we want to ensure all survivors of workplace abuse receive the help they need to heal and move forward with their lives. We are experienced in bringing abuse cases and you will be guided and supported through your claim with the upmost sensitivity and confidentiality. We would closely with local and national charities who can provide support throughout the claim process and beyond.


Jordans Solicitors – helping victims of sexual abuse claim compensation.

If you have been a victim of physical and/or sexual abuse and would like to speak to one of our Specialist Abuse Lawyers in confidence, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We have the knowledge and experience to advise you on the available options for pursuing a Criminal Injuries Compensation Claim and/or civil damages claim.

Our Sexual Abuse Compensation Team can be contacted by telephoning 0800 955 5094 or 0330 300 1103.


Abuse wear yellow

Abuse Team Support

Supporting International Mental Health Day 2024

Our Abuse team are proud to be supporting International Mental Health Day this year by wearing yellow. 

For more information on takling poor mental health see Mental Health UK 

Find out more about Abuse Compensation Claims