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Former Eastwood Park Detention Centre prison guard sentenced to 3.5 years

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The long awaited sentencing of Patrick Devaney finally occurred today, Devaney received a custodial 3 and a half year sentence.

Patrick Devaney was a physical education instructor at Eastwood Park Detention Centre during the governments sanction of the ‘short sharp shock’ regime in the 1970 – 1980s.

Devaney was found guilty of misconduct in public office by a unanimous jury back in March 2023.

During the sentencing hearing the judge heard several victim impact statements from a number of the 22 Complainants that the court originally heard evidence from. Several Complainants thanked the jury for believing the truth and reaching a guilty verdict.

The Judge heard former detainees describe Devaney as “evil” and that he “terrorised hundreds of children” during the time he spent as a guard.

One detainee commented that “the feeling of that time will never leave me.” With another stating they came out of Eastwood Park “full of hatred and contempt.”

The prosecution submitted that Devaney abused his position of power as a prison officer and that he had a duty of care to the boys, which he broke.

Devaney’s barrister asked the judge to consider that Devaney was not the architect of the short sharp shock system and that he was far from the only officer who behaved the way he did.

In mitigation, the court also heard from Devaney’s defence that he is a man of good character, is of poor and declining health and has been struggling with his mental health following his conviction.

In delivering his verdict, the judge acknowledged that whilst Devaney was not the architect of the penal policy of short sharp shock, he was however an enthusiastic deliverer of the regime, with his behaviour being particularly extreme.

The Judge commented that Devaney sought sadistic pleasure from routinely abusing boys which he was responsible for. He further stated that it was evident that all the victims have been significantly adversely affected by Eastwood Park and that they all bear the emotional scars, some more deeply and obviously than others.

It was recounted that Devaney spoke with pride about the success of Eastwood Park during the trial, telling the jury that it worked.

However, the Judge reputed this stating Devaney simply saw the boys as “scallywags and tearaways who need to have the wickedness beaten out of them.” Continuing that Devaney knew in his heart of heart that the victims were telling the truth.

In deciding the appropriate sentence, the Judge discussed the culpability of Devaney’s offence as being the very highest, commenting his acts were deliberate and intentional. He also commented the harm caused was at the very highest, not only did his victims suffer immediately, but they also suffered psychiatric harm following this.

The Judge found little in the way of mitigating factors, commenting the age of Devaney, 81, is not mitigating and in fact means that his victims would have spent many years believing justice will never be done.

It was said that Devaney has never shown remorse throughout the process or respect to his victims. The Judge stated that Devaney was a loving devoted family man at home, but wilfully refused to recognise the humanity of his victims.

The Judge commented in bestowing his sentence that it was not his intention to treat Devaney as a scapegoat for the system or for others. Instead, it was to hold Devaney to account and punish him for his actions.

Get in touch with our team today

Our experienced child abuse compensation team have assisted hundreds of individuals that have experienced abuse whilst at detention centres.

We have a dedicated team of highly specialist solicitors who can ensure that your claim is handled sensitively.

If you were detained at Eastwood Park Detention Centre and suffered physical or sexual abuse we would urge you to contact our team on our free phone number 033 0300 1103.

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