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Female Abusers – how common is it?

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Abuse of children by females – how common is it?

Whenever we see a report in the news or media involving child abuse, it’s more likely than not that the abuser will have been a man. Statistics from the National Police Chief’s Council show that this is because 82% of perpetrators in child sexual exploitation cases are male, and 79% of the victims are female. So what about the 38% of abusers that are female?

One recent example of a female child sexual abuser is that of Rebecca Joynes, a school teacher who sexually abused two of her pupils.

Rebecca Joynes, now aged 30, was a maths teacher at a secondary school in Manchester when she groomed two of her pupils. Both boys, who for anonymity reasons are known as Boy A and Boy B, were in Year 11 and in her maths class. Joynes and Boy A exchanged texts in which she invited him to her house. She then picked him up and took him to Selfridges where she bought him a belt from the Gucci concession which cost £345.00. Joynes and Boy A then had sexual intercourse at her flat on two separate occasions, to which she told him “no one had better find out.”

Boy A then told his friend, and eventually ChildLine became involved leading to a police investigation. Joynes, with the help of Boy B, reset her phone, and was released on police bail. Whilst the police and school investigations were continuing, Joynes proceeded to continue to contacting Boy B in November and December 2021, at which point Boy B was still 15. Joynes first had sexual intercourse with Boy B in February 2022, not long after he had turned 16. The sexual relationship between Boy B and Joynes continued until June 2023, when Boy B reported Joynes to the police. By this point Joynes was already 3 months pregnant with Boy B’s child – Joynes gave birth to the baby in January 2024, and the baby now lives with Boy B and is being raised by him and his parents.

During sentencing, the Judge commented “You abused that position of trust and exploited your privileged role to start and continue contact for your own sexual gratification. The boys knew it was weird and wrong – it is inconceivable that you did not understand that too.”

Joynes was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months imprisonment, half of which will be served in prison following which she will be released on licence. 


Jordans Solicitors – helping victims of sexual abuse claim compensation.

If you have been a victim of physical and/or sexual abuse and would like to speak to one of our Specialist Abuse Lawyers in confidence, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Our Sexual Abuse Compensation Team can be contacted by telephoning 08009555094 or 03303001103.